Save time and effort with this method to remove a rusty nut.
Things You’ll Need:
* Penetrating Oil
* Penetrating Oil
* Work Gloves
* Work Gloves
* Cold Chisel
* Open-ended Wrench Or Socket
* Propane Torch
* Rubber Or Wood Mallet
Heat the connection with a propane torch if you can do so without any risk of damage or fire. It helps draw penetrating oil into the threads (see step 2).
Apply a liberal amount of penetrating oil in and around the joint, then wait … and wait … and wait. It can take anywhere from 10 minutes to several hours to loosen the joint.
Strike the head of the bolt or nut with a cold chisel to shock the connection.
Apply an open-ended wrench or socket of the proper size, and rap its handle sharply with a rubber or wood mallet.