Strong Trucker

Get Back to Work

School Bus Conference Vancouver

School Bus Conference in Vancouver In the first week of July myself and 2 other Mechanics went down to Vancouver to attend the annual ASTSBC (association of school bus transportation services of BC) conference. It attracts managers and support people from school districts throughout the province to find out the latest and greatest technical and… Continue reading School Bus Conference Vancouver

Big Ego

Paranoid Mechanic

School Bus Wiring Problem – RH Signal/Marker Lights

The video explains what is going on with the right hand side signal and marker lights on this Thomas C2 school bus. It just happened out of the blue as with all electrical faults so we needed to find out where the wiring originated and see if there was any output from the source. I… Continue reading School Bus Wiring Problem – RH Signal/Marker Lights

Bathroom Break

Multiplex Wiring Troubleshooting on a School Bus

Whenever we had wiring problems it was a hunt down from the beginning but once you find good information showing you how to carry out a step by step process it’s much easier to be successful to find the fault. We were working on a Thomas C2 conventional school bus at the time and what… Continue reading Multiplex Wiring Troubleshooting on a School Bus

Truck Whisperer

Late Night