In order to foster a positive and cooperative workplace environment, a journeyperson who uses effective mentoring/coaching skills help make the apprentice become more proficient and self-reliant. These include:
Remember, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Thus, get started by setting reasonable training goals and performance expectations!
Respect different points of view, be flexible and manage conflict appropriately.
Recognize initiative, effort and commitment; offer encouragement.
Organize instructional resource materials for ready access by your apprentice.
Provide written constructive performance reviews to the apprentice upon completion of each training period.
Give step-by-step task instructions and have them repeated by your apprentice prior to doing the work.
Give direct feedback to your apprentice as soon as possible following an action.
Encourage apprentices who are unclear about a task to see you immediately for corrective action.
Build and maintain trust relationships with your apprentices.
Help the apprentice set realistic and measurable goals — both personal and professional.
Commit yourself to being available and accessible to your apprentice.
Ensure all staff receives appropriate instructions on the recommended handling procedures of hazardous materials and workplace safety.