If you stop learning, you stop growing. Trucks are changing at a rate never before seen. It is not going to slow down. As technology advances the changes will snowball. If you stop learning, the world will run you over! It might mot be practical to put life on hold and go back to school but fortunately there is some quality training a few mouse clicks away. Is it worth anything? That certificate attached to your resume might make the difference on your next job interview! MGM Brakes- Brake chamber manufacturer. Complete self study course and mail in for a certificate and patch. http://mgmbrakes.com/documents/BTS2006.pdf Horton fan clutches. Complete self study course and mail in for a certificate and a tool box sticker. Go to web page: http://www.hortoninc.com/index_en.asp Click on “literature” Click on “literature order center” Search for “Training” Download: DriveMaster Training Manual and HT/S Fan Drive Maintenance Training Manual ConMet preset bearings. Complete course and answer questions. Print out certificate. http://www.conmet.com/trainingweb/index.html Fontain 5th wheel http://www.fifthwheel.com/trainintro.html Bendix Air Brake Handbook recommended by the United States Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration as a resource for all brake inspectors. http://www.bendix.com/en-us/service/library/Pages/Home.aspx Everything you always wanted to know about filters! (much of it heavy duty and diesel related)Go to: wixconnect.com Sign up for free account. Once logged on at the top bar click “training”. From the training page click “eLearing Center”. Earn up to 3 printed certificates and one 11×14 diploma. Autolite sparkplugs is running a online training session that will last for six months. A new module will be released every month. -and you just might win a Carhartt jacket! http://www.autolitechallenge.com/PRO/

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