Heart Surgeon and the Mechanic

A mechanic was removing the cylinder heads from the motor of a car,when he spotted the world-famous heart surgeon in his shop. The heart surgeon was standing off to the side, waiting for the service manager to come take a look at his car. The mechanic shouted across the garage, “Hello Doctor, please come on… Continue reading Heart Surgeon and the Mechanic

The Penguin and the Mechanic

Once there was a penguin whose car broke down. He took it in to get it serviced, and while it was being worked on, he went shopping. He returned later that day to see what had happened to his car, and the mechanic told him, "It looks like you’ve blown a seal." The penguin, chuckling,… Continue reading The Penguin and the Mechanic

A Few Good Tractor Jokes

Q. Did you hear about the Magic Tractor ? A. It turned into a field Q. What kind of a tractor comes in a box? A. Case. Q. What did John Deere say to Allis Chalmers the night they were married? A. Good night, Allis, Deere. Q. What kind of tractor do you always hire… Continue reading A Few Good Tractor Jokes

You Might Be A Farmer If…

1. Your dog rides in your truck more than your wife. 2. You wear specific hats to farm sales, livestock auctions, customer appreciation suppers, and vacations. 3. You have ever had to wash off in the backyard with a garden hose before your wife would let you in the house. 4. You’ve never thrown away… Continue reading You Might Be A Farmer If…

Camel Mechanic

An American tourist wanted to see some of the Sahara desert, so he rented a camel. Having packed plenty of water and food for a 3 day sojourn, he set out. He was on the 2nd day and entered an oasis to rest and water his camel and noted that a guy had a shop… Continue reading Camel Mechanic

Tired Mechanic and Bikers

This mechanic was really tired and pulled into a diner, and just ordered a cup of coffee. While sitting at the counter, a group of bikers pulled in, started acting rowdy, spilled his coffee, made fun of him, and tried to pick a fight with him. He just got up, paid for his coffee ,and… Continue reading Tired Mechanic and Bikers

Top 10 Reasons to Date a Mechanic

10) Doesn’t mind awkward positions 9) Trained to do it right the first time 8) Always wears protective clothing 7) Enjoys doing it in the open 6) Knows what lubrication is all about 5) Great hands 4) Never minds getting dirty 3) Our engines last longer, a lot longer 2) More stroke, more power and… Continue reading Top 10 Reasons to Date a Mechanic

You Know it’s Time To Change your Car When…

You know its time to change your car when….. 1. You spend more on oil than on petrol. 2. Your car leaves three types of liquid in your parking space. 3. You offer a friend a lift and they say no because they are in a hurry. 4. You feel good if you beat a… Continue reading You Know it’s Time To Change your Car When…

What the Name of your Car Really Stands For…

AUDI Accelerates Under Demonic Influence Always Unsafe Designs Implemented All Un-informed Drivers Insulted All Unnecessary Devices Installed BMW Big Money Works Bought My Wife Brutal Money Waster BUICK Big Ugly Indestructable Car Killer CHEVROLET Can Hear Every Valve Rap On Long Extended Trips Cheap, Hardly Efficient, Virtually Runs On Luck Every Time DODGE Damn Old… Continue reading What the Name of your Car Really Stands For…

The Letterman Show: Top Ten New Ford Slogans

(Ford had to recall millions of cars because the ignitions could spontaneously start a fire) 10. Where’s there’s smoke, there’s a Ford 9. Have you driven a Ford to the fire station lately 8. Forget Chevy – we have the real Blazer 7. Available in regular or extra crispy 6. Now every Bronco is as… Continue reading The Letterman Show: Top Ten New Ford Slogans