How it Works – Electric Cars

Video: How do electric Cars Work? The Tesla Model S doesn’t work like other cars. It’s driven by an electric motor and powered by a lithium Ion battery. From the AC powered induction engine to the DC charged battery, we go over How the electric cars work!

What Engineers Found When They Tore Apart Tesla’s Model 3

Video: Tesla’s Model 3 boasts the best technology and motor of any electric vehicle, but a team of engineers in Detroit say there’s a major flaw in the car’s design that’s hurting Tesla’s profit margins. Bloomberg Television’s Ed Ludlow reports.

How Job Surveillance is Changing Trucking in America

Video: Automation is coming for truckers – but first, they’re being watched. The promise of self-driving trucks will radically reshape one of America’s most common jobs. There are 3.5 million professional drivers in the US, all of whom may face job displacement in the autonomous future being developed by companies like Otto, Daimler, and Tesla. But… Continue reading How Job Surveillance is Changing Trucking in America