Landing Gear Fails on My Loaded Liquid Chemical Tanker Trailer

Video: Dave talks about an incident that is not very common in the trucking industry. It happens, but not often. When Dave was working as an owner operator for a liquid chemical company, when dropping a loaded trailer in their drop yard, the landing gear on his trailer failed. FORTUNATELY, he noticed the landing gear… Continue reading Landing Gear Fails on My Loaded Liquid Chemical Tanker Trailer

Choosing the Right Filler Metal is Esstential When Welding

THE toughest part of selecting the right filler metal for any application is that, often, there is more than one right answer. In aluminum trailer and truck body manufacturing, the task is much simpler because the list of choices that can be used in this application is significantly reduced. The most common base materials used… Continue reading Choosing the Right Filler Metal is Esstential When Welding