Closing the Skills Gap and Alternative Education

“What ‘genius’ decided it would be a good idea to describe the kinds of education needed…as ‘alternative’ …We need to stop promoting higher education at the expense of every other form of learning….we’ve got a skills gap.” – Mike Rowe

The Long Haul

Party in Style

Mike Rowe Meets CAT Field Technician

Mike Rowe visits with CAT Field Technicians and Supervisors and makes the case for becoming a Heavy Equipment Mechanic. As Mike Rowe said, “If you’re thinking of learning or mastering a trade…DO IT!”

Mechanics Hub: Master Promotions Testimonials

Collection of testimonials from exhibitors participating at Master Promotions 2014 Atlantic Heavy Equipment Show in Moncton, New Brunswick.

Mike Rowe Testifies Before House Committee on Natural Resources

On April 29 2014 Mike testified before the House Committee on Natural Resources. The committee met to discuss “American Energy Jobs: Opportunities for Skilled Trade Workers”

Behind the Design: Lego Technic 42030 Volvo L350F Wheel Loader

Developed in partnership with LEGO® Technic and Volvo Construction Equipment, this meticulously detailed, fully remote-controlled model has all the features of Volvo CE’s largest real-life high tech L350F wheel loader. This new video from LEGO® Technic shows the lengths the world’s largest toy maker’s design team were prepared to go to in order to perfect… Continue reading Behind the Design: Lego Technic 42030 Volvo L350F Wheel Loader

Original Fast & Furious

Built for IT Trials: CAT Mini Excavator

China Shop features a heavy equipment operator maneuvering his Cat® 301.7 CR Mini Excavator with the poise of a matador through a crowded shop stocked with over $40,000 USD in delicate merchandise. #BuiltForIt

Cross Thread