No Rest for the Mechanic

School Bus Vandalock No Start Possibility

I can talk from experience that I had a few service calls that involved the vandalock system. When engaged the bus will not start which is the main reason they were installed. They interrupt the starting circuit until they are unlatched at either the side door or rear emergency window. This pertains to the pusher… Continue reading School Bus Vandalock No Start Possibility

The DT466 Electronic Diesel Engine

The DT466E Diesel Engine Memories The DT466E International diesel is no more mainly because it could not meet emission standards. It’s one engine that performed only as good as the oil pressure that supplied the HEUI (hydraulic electronic unit injectors). They had a tendency to run rough when cold because of the lack of supply… Continue reading The DT466 Electronic Diesel Engine

Smart Dog

Too Much

School Bus Mechanic – Kayaking and Upcoming Summer Schedule

The video below is my kayaking adventure on Canada Day. I’m pretty sure one of the bird chirps you hear is a bald eagle. I saw him roaming the skies later on that morning and the wing span must have been 5 or 6 feet. So I’m not doing too much talking during the shoot… Continue reading School Bus Mechanic – Kayaking and Upcoming Summer Schedule

The Psychic

Summer Maintenance and Repairs Begin

The end of June means “school’s out for summer” and this year it ended with a twist. The teachers in BC who are in the middle of contract talks with the government decided to take action and picket all of the schools and maintenance yards starting on Jun 15th so we had to honour the… Continue reading Summer Maintenance and Repairs Begin

Reverse Payment Program

Do Not Disturb