Cummins ISC Diesel Engine Aftertreatment Code Repair

There’s quite a back story behind this Cummins diesel engine repair. The Thomas HDX pusher was in Surrey on a sports run and everything was going well until the driver phoned me days earlier about an issue concerning the interior heating. The engine temperature was running at a normal level but no interior heat indicating… Continue reading Cummins ISC Diesel Engine Aftertreatment Code Repair

DT MaxxForce Diesel Engine Injector Sleeve Replacement

This particular school bus had to be towed in because it quit on the road an hour out of town. The diesel engine is a 2011 DT MaxxForce which uses high pressure oil to operate the electronic injectors controlled by the engine computer. The problem we found was loose injector hold downs with faulty sealing… Continue reading DT MaxxForce Diesel Engine Injector Sleeve Replacement

DIY Mechanics Guide for Diesel Lovers

Taking your vehicle to a mechanic is going to set you back big bucks. The average per hour charge is $25, and the bill grows steadily from this point on. If you are mechanically inclined, DIY can keep some major coin in your pocket. Plenty of common problems are fixable by you. You simply need… Continue reading DIY Mechanics Guide for Diesel Lovers

MaxxForce DT Removing Pistons and Liners

Our In Frame has begun and #6 piston and liner has shown the damage caused by coolant contamination in the oil. If left too long the coolant will wash away the oil lubrication between the piston and piston liner. The terms for the piston cylinder for diesel engines that are able to be rebuilt in… Continue reading MaxxForce DT Removing Pistons and Liners

Crossword: Level 2 – Combustion and Starting

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Crossword: Level 2 – Pistons

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Crossword: Level 2 – Engine Block

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Crossword: Level 2 – Engine and Exhaust Braking

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Diesel Engine Regen

The parked regeneration is a regular procedure for diesel engines that get to the point where passive regens are not keeping the DPF (diesel particulate filter) clean. The differential pressure sensors will signal the motor control module MCM to alert the driver with an amber light on the dash that a parked regen is required.… Continue reading Diesel Engine Regen

World’s Largest Diesel Engine Starting

Built in 1932, it was the world’s largest diesel engine for more than 30 years.The eight cylinder engine is still operational and produces 15.000kW (22.500hp). Production Name: DM 884WS-150