Industrial Demolition Contractors Talk Cab Protection

There are endless safety considerations in the scrap metal demolition industry, from pinching points to respiratory hazards to machine guarding. Industrial demolition contractors set up demolition work zones to keep the public safe, but of equal importance is the safety of the demolition workers. In addition to training excavator drivers about safe operating standards and… Continue reading Industrial Demolition Contractors Talk Cab Protection

Advantages of Steel Investment Casting

Steel investment casting – a process also known as lost-wax casting – is one of the oldest metal-forming methods still actively used. Investment casting manufacturers use the technique by creating wax patterns to make disposable molds, which are then filled with metal. When the steel is ready, the mold is removed to reveal the finished… Continue reading Advantages of Steel Investment Casting

Having Flatbed Lumber Tarps

Lumber truckers will tell you that the primary concern when they drive is getting their load to their destination without any problem. Lumber may or may not be cut equally, making the logistics of loading and securing lumber a little more difficult. Securing is done in a number of ways from straps to tarps, but… Continue reading Having Flatbed Lumber Tarps

Diesel Invasion not to Include Honda Diesels

Fuel economy is a main concern for car buyers these days and to fill the demand, car manufacturers are finally warming to diesel. However, Honda diesels aren’t likely to appear in the United States, as the company believes a business case just cannot be made as yet to do so. Are you in the market… Continue reading Diesel Invasion not to Include Honda Diesels

The Top 10 Sayings That will Get your Butt Kicked by a Mechanic

10. Can you come over to my house and fix my car? 9. The tow truck driver said this car is easy to work on. 8. Can you take the parts off my other car and put them on this one? 7. I know the tires are bald and it has no brakes but I… Continue reading The Top 10 Sayings That will Get your Butt Kicked by a Mechanic

GM Help Desk May I Help You?

Recently, Bill Gates compared the computer industry with the Auto industry saying if GM had kept up with technology like Microsoft we would all be driving $25.00 cars that got 1000 miles per gallon. It didn’t take GM long to reply with it’s own press release. Here’s what they had to say: For no reason… Continue reading GM Help Desk May I Help You?

Why Don’t you Drive with your Wife?

A man who is driving a car is stopped by a police officer. The following exchange takes place ….. The man says: What’s the problem officer? Officer: You were going at least 75 in a 55 zone. Man: No sir. I was going 65. Wife: Oh, Harry. Your were going 80! (Man gives his wife… Continue reading Why Don’t you Drive with your Wife?

How to Remove the Blood from Under your Fingernails

How many of us have either hit our fingers, thumbs, with a hammer or gotten them crunched in something and caused a build up of blood underneath the fingernail? I did, on two fingers the other day, I was putting in a clutch pack with another mechanic, something I rarely do, I usually do it… Continue reading How to Remove the Blood from Under your Fingernails

Blondes vs Gears

A rich blonde buys a new automatic Jaguar XKR Sport. She drives the car perfectly well during the day, but at night, the car just won’t move at all. After trying to drive the car at night for a week (but without any luck), she furiously calls the Jaguar dealers and they send out a… Continue reading Blondes vs Gears

Country Facing Pending Mechanic Shortage

Contrary to public opinion, no person is an island, at least typically. There are people we rely on to function without even realizing it, such as garbage collectors, utility workers and other skilled labor that go largely unseen by many. However, much of this skilled labor is in increasingly short supply, as a mechanic shortage,… Continue reading Country Facing Pending Mechanic Shortage