Skills Gap Vs Wage Gap

Picture: The skills gap is a reflection of what we value. To close the gap, we need to change the way the country feels about work. – Mike Rowe

Rowe: Why We Never See Protests at Trade Schools

Video: Former ‘Dirty Jobs’ host, Mike Rowe, on why we never seem to have ‘safe spaces,’ snowflake culture and protests at trade schools and why there’s a plumber shortage.

Mike Rowe’s take: Man-babies and Starbucks ‘shelters’

Video: Former ‘Dirty Jobs’ host, Mike Rowe, discusses 30-year-old man ordered by a judge to leave his parents’ home, the change in work ethics,  and Starbucks opening its restrooms to the nonpaying public.

Mike Rowe: You’ve got to make work cool again

Former ‘Dirty Jobs’ host Mike Rowe discusses his testimony on Capitol Hill, why he believes no one knows how to talk about the skills gap in US, and the key to truly ‘making America great again’

Don’t Pursue Your Passion. Chase Opportunity.

‘Dirty Jobs’ star, Mike Rowe, shares his thoughts on passion and how it sometimes gets in the way of success.

Mike Rowe Meets CAT Field Technician

Mike Rowe visits with CAT Field Technicians and Supervisors and makes the case for becoming a Heavy Equipment Mechanic. As Mike Rowe said, “If you’re thinking of learning or mastering a trade…DO IT!”

Mike Rowe Testifies Before House Committee on Natural Resources

On April 29 2014 Mike testified before the House Committee on Natural Resources. The committee met to discuss “American Energy Jobs: Opportunities for Skilled Trade Workers”