Video: This 2002 Peterbilt semi with a CAT C15 gets a new Eaton Fuller 6NZ 13 speed transmission! Watch as this video outlines the process for swapping a new transmission into an old truck!
This Peterbilt Semi Gets A 6NZ 13 Speed Transmission Swap

Video: This 2002 Peterbilt semi with a CAT C15 gets a new Eaton Fuller 6NZ 13 speed transmission! Watch as this video outlines the process for swapping a new transmission into an old truck!
You are almost finished swapping transmissions. You just put in a full shift, maybe a shift and a half swapping them. Everything seemed to go so well… Something can’t be right. There must be a hitch. There’s always a hitch. As you go to slide the transmission over the output shaft and begin lining up… Continue reading Mode Selection 101
An Over View on Allison Automatic Transmission Wiring We didn’t experience the New World Transmissions from Allison until 1995. The ER Saf -T- liner Pusher buses all came equipped with 3000 series transmissions and for the most part they were very reliable. At least until the wiring problems began a year or two later. Owning… Continue reading Allison Automatic Transmission Wiring
We recently had a 2006 one ton cube van with a slipping/shuddering transmission (4L80E). The transmission code indicated a torque convertor problem. The first step was to remove the transmission oil pan and check the filter. It was advised by one of the transmission shops to tear open the filter and see what’s inside. We… Continue reading 4L80E GM Transmission TCC Failure
Fleet Preventive Maintenance Notes Synthetic Transmission Oil It was several years ago when a salesman from the Detroit Diesel dealership came in and was promoting the benefits of synthetic transmission oil. Their parts department was selling it of course and the price was astronomical in my mind. We were paying around two bucks a… Continue reading Is Synthetic Transmission Oil Worth The Cost?
Cooling System Disassembly Remove Radiator To improve access to the radiator we removed the hood, charge air cooler and radiator assy. Before installing a new radiator the cooling system needs to be flushed out properly. The local rad repair shop recommended a low suds dishwasher detergent. Calgonite for instance would work in this case.… Continue reading School Bus Transmission Oil In Coolant Repair
Setting Up A Transmission Code for Output Speed Sensor This is an Allison 3000 Series Automatic Transmission in a 1997 Thomas Pusher School Bus. I did a demo fault in the video to show you what happens when a code develops ….which in this case is a output speed sensor code. I made this code… Continue reading School Bus Allison 3000 Automatic Transmission Fault Code Demo
The Allison MD 3000 electronic transmission is a regular component in a lot of fleets. We have been using them for many years and there have been some faults with them including wiring issues and clutch failures but for the past few years they have been bullet proof. I think one factor is the synthetic… Continue reading Allison Automatic Transmission Checking Codes
There’s one transmission code that has flashed up many times in our fleet with the Allison 3000 series transmissions…code #3500 which is a battery voltage interruption to the transmission ECU. What happens is the push button shift control does the fish eye thing and you lose shifting ability. The first place to go is (of… Continue reading Code 3500 Allison Transmissions