Video: This video will give you all of the information you may need about Cummins diesel engines. Who knew that these engines have been used for so long?
Everything You Want to Know About Cummins

Video: This video will give you all of the information you may need about Cummins diesel engines. Who knew that these engines have been used for so long?
Video: A day in the life of a CAT mechanic…. And some extras too.
Air brake abs or antilock brake systems are similar to automotive in principle with wheel sensors, tone wheels and a control module. The difference of course is air brakes compared to hydraulic brakes. On our newer school buses there is an off road switch on the dash to engage the ABS and reduce wheel spin. The results using this system during winter… Continue reading Air Brakes System with ABS
Finding and training technicians, purchasing tools and equipment, maintaining a parts inventory, dealing with OSHA and the EPA. These are just a few of the headaches fleets that maintain their own trucks face, according to Kurt Jorgensen, vice president of JX Enterprises, a Peterbilt, Hino and Volvo dealer with 16 locations in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan… Continue reading How to Find a Service Provider