Major Overhaul S 60 685 HP @ 1800 RPM Genset Engine

Video: Major overhaul S 60 685 HP @ 1800 RPM Genset engine

Happy Groundhog Day 2017

Forget the groundhog! Saw my OWN shadow and going back to sleep for 6 more weeks! Happy Groundhog Day!

CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2017 Show Preview

CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2017 is where over 130,000 construction industry professionals from around the world go to stay ahead of their competition and showcase earthshaking big iron to groundbreaking innovations. Don’t miss the event that’s so BIG, it happens just once every three years! Don’t forget to stop by Mechanics Hub’s booth G-7150, located in the Gold… Continue reading CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2017 Show Preview

Construction Worker Dancing to Ariana Grande

Video: Construction Worker, Tony Restivo, busting a move to Ariana Grande, while on the job.  Hey, if it gets the job done, we’re all for it!

How It Feels to Drop A Wrench

Mechanic Picture: The feeling when you drop a wrench in the car….and it doesn’t hit the ground.

Tips For Getting Started In The Diesel Mechanic Field.

How to become a Diesel Mechanic

Martin Luther King, Jr – Time Is Always Ripe

Martin Luther King, Jr: Without hard work, time itself becomes an ally of the primitive forces of social stagnation.  So we must help time and realize that the time is always ripe to do right.

A Christmas Tree For Every Mechanic

Mechanic Lunch

How to Install a Hydraulic Pump on an Excavator

Repairing an Excavator…. how to.